Webinar Icon Online 50x50 Check out the Gleeble Webinar Series.  DSI is hosting a series of discussions highlighting Gleeble research, results and best practices. We invite you to join us. You can view past webinars and sign-up for future sessions by clicking here
  • Full Line of Simulators
  • Improve, Reduce, Replicate, Increase
  • Process Simulation Capabilities
  • Power and Precision
  • Generating Valuable Data
  • Versatility and Performance
  • Introducing Gleeble 500 Series
  • Quality, Reliability and Safety

In Memoriam: Dr. Hugo Ferguson

January, 1930 - March, 2025

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Dr. Hugo Ferguson. A brilliant researcher, dedicated mentor, and respected leader, Dr. Ferguson’s contributions to materials science have left a lasting mark on the scientific community. As one of the three inventors of the Gleeble, a system that has transformed the way researchers study materials under extreme conditions. His work not only deepened our understanding of material behavior but also paved the way for innovations that continue to drive progress in materials science and engineering today.

Throughout his distinguished career, including his time at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Dr. Ferguson played a pivotal role in advancing materials research, guiding students, and shaping the future of the field. Dr. Ferguson was a passionate educator and mentor, always willing to share his knowledge and inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. His kindness, wisdom, and unwavering support for his colleagues and students made him not only an exceptional scientist but also a cherished friend.

Dr. Ferguson’s legacy will continue to inspire those who had the privilege of working with him, and his impact on the field of materials science will be felt for generations to come. He will be deeply missed.

Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.

  Dr. Hugo Ferguson 

Gleeble® Thermal-Mechanical Simulators
A Complete Family of Research Tools to Improve Materials, Optimize Processes and Increase Profits.  

Click to Play Gleeble Overview VideoDynamic Systems Inc. (DSI) designs and manufactures equipment for dynamic thermal-mechanical testing of materials and physical simulation of processes.
Samples of material are heated and mechanically worked while various performance parameters of interest are measured and recorded for analysis. After the simulation or test is done, the microstructure of the material may also be examined. 

The most widely known machine produced by DSI for physical simulation is the Gleeble® System. The Gleeble System is produced in a number of different sizes and configurations . These machines typically have a high speed heating system, a servo hydraulic system and a computer control and data acquisition system.

What is Physical Simulation?

Physical simulation is the exact reproduction of the thermal and mechanical processes in the laboratory that a material is subjected to during the manufacturing process or end use. Physical simulation is a valuable tool used to study metallurgical processes, develop new materials and replicate real world conditions in the laboratory.

  • Lower Costs - Reduce product development, processing & energy costs 

  • Optimize Manufacturing Processes - Develop new procedures & troubleshoot existing processes 

  • Optimize Materials - Develop new materials and applications

  • Increase Production - Reduce scrap and maximize output and efficiency

  • Faster Product Development - Reduce time to market and R&D expense

  • Improved Product Quality - Improve product consistency and quality

DSI products provide a cost effective way to physically simulate high temperature processes and applications at a far lower cost than full scale tests while providing excellent correlation and results which can then be applied to the actual process or application. 

Materials Testing Applications:
•  Hot/warm tensile testing •  Hot/warm compression testing
      - Uniaxial compression
      - Plane strain compression
      - Strain Induced Crack Opening (SICO)
•  Stress vs. strain curves
•  Melting and solidification
•  Nil strength testing
•  Hot ductility testing
•  Thermal cycling/heat treatment
•  Dilatometry/phase transformation
•  Stress relaxation studies
•  Creep/stress rupture
•  Fatigue (Thermal, Thermal/Mechanical)
Process Simulation Capabilities:

•  Continuous casting
•  Mushy zone processing
•  Hot rolling
•  Forging
•  Extrusion
•  Weld HAZ cycles
•  Upset butt welding
•  Diffusion bonding
•  Continuous strip annealing
•  Heat treating
•  Quenching
•  Powder metallurgy/sintering
•  Synthesis (SHS)


Over 65yrs SmallThe DSI team is passionate about advancing the art and science of metallurgy and materials science. If you are faced with a research or production challenge where physical simulation or testing may be required, please contact a member of our team  today to learn more about the impressive capabilities of the Gleeble line of thermal-mechanical physical simulators. 

E-Mail: info@Gleeble.com 
Phone:  +1  (518) 283-5350   (Located in New York State, USA  Time Zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours)
Gleeble systems have been trusted by leading industry, universities, and research institutions for over 60 years:
  • University of Wollongong Logo
  • Wits
  • Waterloo
  • University West
  • Magdeburg
  • UConn
  • UBC
  • TU Delft
  • TU Wien
  • TU Graz
  • The Ohio State U
  • Tata
  • Swerea Kimab
  • Politecnico di Bari
  • Swansea
  • SAIL
  • Portland State
  • Atilim University
  • Oulu
  • Ostrava
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • Chemnitz University
  • Mississippi State
  • EPFL
  • ETS
  • FAU
  • Freiberg
  • Imperial
  • Iowa State University
  • Lehigh
  • LNLS
  • Lulea
  • University of Kentucky